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The Curator's Choice

Rhy Passo & Future Island #3

Rhy Passo (リ・パッソ)、このユニークなワインを飲んだ途端、私は一瞬で虜になってしまいました。







When I first drank Rhy Passo, this unusual wine, I was immediately fall in love with it.

The wine reminds me somehow on a beautiful summer holiday in the Italian Riviera but it is actually not – the grapes are from my home canton Baselland, and the winery who makes this rare and special wine – in the tradition of Amarone wine – is from Liestal, the capital of Baselland canton.

Similar feelings I had when I first interact with Matthias Gubler’s artwork Future Island #3.

When I saw the island, I thought I know this place.

Maybe while I was in Italy during holidays?

But actually again wrong!

The island is not existing anywhere at all! 


Twice, I got mislead but fortunately in a very good way.

Both, artwork and wine are highly recommended to be savored slowly…

Roy Hofer    


リ・パッソ 2019





The light ruby ​​red Rhy Passo delights in the nose with a potpourri of typical Pinot Noir aromas such as Amarena cherry and red berries paired with scents of dried fruits, raisins, some tobacco, black tea and a hint of vanilla.

The sweet, wild and almost opulent prelude on the palate is accompanied by an enormous fruit abundance with sweet spicy notes and light roasted aromas. Soft and round tannins and an invigorating acid structure accompany the fruit in perfect harmony and lead to a long-lasting finale carried by fruit sweetness. An unusual wine from the region of Baselland.

Future Island#3

Imaginary Paradise(空想の島)は、私たちを新しい夢の世界へいざなってくれます。


マティアス・ギュブラーの作品「Future Island#3」 は、一見、旅のガイドブックでよく見かけるような「美しい島」です。

彼が創造するImaginary Paradiseは、ドローンで撮影された実在する海岸線から生み出されており、私たちが一度は訪れてみたいと思い描くような世界を垣間見せてくれます。



Imaginary Paradise presents different dream worlds on a meta level, with his video Future Island # 3 Gubler apparently presents a "dream island" as we commonly know it from travel brochures of tour operators or in the meantime - following various hashtags - consume on social media can.

Future Island # 3 can, however, be tried for a long time by the viewer on maps or sea maps - they will frown in disappointment.

Matthias Gubler's imaginary island is designed - analogously to the Imago - from numerous real existing coastal sections, which were documented by means of drone recordings, but what is presented before our eyes is reserved for our imagination and our wish for such a location.

A prototype of sustainability, immune to the continuous rise in sea level, the island functions as an idyllic non-place - in the mantle of a place of escape - that invites you to think, but at the same time gives you food for thought.

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